Rabu, 23 Desember 2015


Everyone might think that his/her mother is the best. So do I. My mom is really best mother exist. I said this objectively hehehehe.
My mom is merely an ordinary person. She isn’t graduate from college, yet she is well educated. Compare with other mother who graduate from university, I could say that my mom is not too different with them, in terms of knowledge.
My mom began her career as a teacher, but she then leaved her job for a reason. Until my father came to her and propose her. So my mom doesn’t work and choose to be housewife.She also not fashionable person like socialita, nor middle-class-but-act like-upper class too.
Her routine (if you knew) is boring I think, at the first. Wake up, cooking, take her child to the school, washing, ironing, cleaning house, take her child from school, take her child to ‘ngaji’ and then sleep.
However, beside it all, she also a human who has a dream. Not easy to ask such a question to her, but the other day i have a conversation with my aunt. She talk that after graduated from senior high school, my mom took several courses, she want to developed herself too. She went to sewing courses and computer courses, which is in that time computer havent so popular like now.
She also has boyfriend  (not my father), but my grandma match her with father. Unpredictably, my mom accepted my father. I am a bit surprised known that knowing that my mother isnt an easy women. hehehe
Back to the housewife. Behind the boring day, doesnt hold college degree, and not working one, she have had dedicated her whole life to the family, to father and to us, her children. She never missed to take care of us. Despite sometimes she was unable to, she try-try-try to find the way to make it able. Be hero to her children. 
Not holding college degree doesnt mean she dont know anything. The fact, she was the first person that taught me English. That lesson is stick in my mind, she taught me about ‘panca indra’. She taught with creative tone. Too bad, I cant tell which tone we used, perhaps like ‘a-b-c-d-e’ tone. Here is the lyrics.
My eye /hand point to eye
My ears/ two hands hold ears
My mouth/hand finger my mouth
And my nose/ hand touch nose
I just wondering where she know about those things anyway. She is real cool than my teachers. After all, she not study like teacher, but she can taught me many things that teacher should do to her students. Isnt she impressive?
When in senior high school, we learn chemistry for the first time. While my teacher taught in class about reaction that hard to understand, she taught about essential thing like:
What Pb stand for?
Despite she not tell the whole periodic table. 
Saya sendiri ngga begitu yakin bisa seperti ibu saya, yang rela mendedikasikan seluruh hidupnya untuk keluarga. Mungkin saja saya teriming-iming pekerjaan dan menjadi wanita karir yang sukses.
Emang, what should women be? Career women? Housewife?Itu urusan dan pilihan masing-masing ya. Karena setiap orang jelas punya pertimbangan dan alasan atas pengambilan keputusan tersebut. Yang jelas saya ngga mau anak saya nanti harus dititipkan ke tetangga atau neneknya karena ibunya sibuk ngurusin pekerjaan dan harus keluar kota setiap hari.
Jadi, mumpung saya masih single, saya mau berpuas-puas berkarir dulu. Baru deh setelah sukses, saya melanjutkan karir di rumah sebagai ibu rumah tangga saja.

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